Listen audiobook Β» Action & Adventure Fiction Β» The Talking Handkerchief, and Other Stories - Thomas Wallace Knox

Great audiobook "The Talking Handkerchief, and Other Stories - Thomas Wallace Knox" online free

This is a collection of 22 stories of action and adventure. We follow the narrators as they escape pirates and cannibals, overcome natural disasters, and are attacked by wild animals. Cunning plans are executed and daring escapes are accomplished, all in the particular style of the 19th century adventure story.
Thomas Knox was an author who had travelled around the world by the time he wrote the stories in this volume, and who was no stranger to any of the geographic areas in which he set his stories. - Summary by Carolin

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The Talking Handkerchief, and Other Stories - Thomas Wallace Knox - Thomas Wallace Knox

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "The Talking Handkerchief, and Other Stories - Thomas Wallace Knox (Thomas Wallace Knox)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Action & Adventure Fiction".