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Listen audiobook » Action & Adventure Fiction » Frey and his Wife - Maurice Henry HEWLETT

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Frey and his Wife is a Nordic Saga, but written in a saga style by a 20th Century Englishman. It tells the tale of Gunnar, a Norwegian wrongly accused of murder who flees across the mountains to the pagan forests of Sweden. There he meets 'Frey' a Norse god, and a young woman who has become his wife. Animosity develops between Frey and Gunnar over the local ritual of human sacrifice which leads to an interesting outcome. The tale develops themes of religion, idolatory, and love, set in the time when Christianity was starting to displace pagan religion in Scandinavia. (Kevin Green)

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Who and what was Ogmund Ravensson and why called Ogmund DintHow Ogmund Dint did nothing, and presently sailed home to Thwartwater, and what Battle-Glum thought about it allOf King Olaf Trygvasson, and of Sigurd Helming and Gunnar, his brotherOgmund Dint comes again to Norway, and meets Gunnar on the Hard of DrontheimOgmund Dint satisfies himself, and sails HomeThe Hue-and-Cry for Halward NeckGunnar crosses the MountainsGunnar in the Forest hears tell of Frey and his WondersGunnar meets with Frey. Concerning Frey's WifeTalk between Gunnar and SigridGunnar turns Frey about against Frey's WillThe Winter FeastsFrey makes Ready to go his RoundsFrey Starts on his RoundsThe SnowstormMarriage of SigridMorrow of the StormNews of Frey reaches NorwaySigurd in Sweden. The Battle of the FordThe End of the Tale
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Frey and his Wife - Maurice Henry HEWLETT - Maurice Henry HEWLETT

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Frey and his Wife - Maurice Henry HEWLETT (Maurice Henry HEWLETT)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Action & Adventure Fiction".