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Listen audiobook » Action & Adventure Fiction » The Three Commanders - William Henry Giles KINGSTON

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Terence, Jack, and Alick met as boys at a boarding school, and later entered the Navy together. While sailing with different ships, their paths have interwoven and they have had many adventures together: first as midshipmen, then as Lieutenants. In this volume, we see the young men rise to the rank of Commanders. But along with the fame and responsibility, the perils waiting for them increase, too. In this way, we see Terence, Jack, Alick, and their young companions chase slavers around the coast of Africa, saving and freeing as many enslaved people as possible, going through fierce sea battles, and finally heading toward Russia to fight in the Crimean War. - Summary by Carolin

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Chapter OneChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter Four, part 1Chapter Four, part 2Chapter FiveChapter SixChapter SevenChapter EightChapter NineChapter Ten, part 1Chapter Ten, part 2Chapter Eleven, part 1Chapter Eleven, part 2Chapter TwelveChapter Thirteen, part 1Chapter Thirteen, part 2Chapter Fourteen, part 1Chapter Fourteen, part 2Chapter Fifteen, part 1Chapter Fifteen, part 2Chapter Sixteen, part 1Chapter Sixteen, part 2Chapter SeventeenChapter EighteenChapter NineteenChapter TwentyChapter Twenty One, part 1Chapter Twenty One, part 2Chapter Twenty Two, part 1Chapter Twenty Two, part 2Chapter Twenty ThreeChapter Twenty Four, part 1Chapter Twenty Four, part 2Chapter Twenty Five
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The Three Commanders - William Henry Giles KINGSTON - William Henry Giles KINGSTON

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "The Three Commanders - William Henry Giles KINGSTON (William Henry Giles KINGSTON)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Action & Adventure Fiction".