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Listen audiobook » Action & Adventure » The Tree of Appomattox - Joseph A. Altsheler

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"The Tree of Appomattox" concludes the series of connected romances dealing with the Civil War, begun in "The Guns of Bull Run," and continued successively through "The Guns of Shiloh," "The Scouts of Stonewall," "The Sword of Antietam," "The Star of Gettysburg," "The Rock of Chickamauga" and "The Shades of the Wilderness" to the present volume. It has been completed at the expense of vast labor, and the author has striven at all times to be correct, wherever facts are involved. So far, at least, no historic detail has been challenged by critic or reader.

More than half a century has passed since the Civil War's close. Not many of the actors in it are left. It was one of the most tremendous upheavals in the life of any nation, and it was the greatest of all struggles, until the World War began, but scarcely any trace of partisan rancor or bitterness is left. So, it has become easier to write of it with a sense of fairness and detachment, and the lapse of time has made the perspective clear and sharp.

However lacking he may be in other respects, the author perhaps had an advantage in being born, and having grown up in a border state, where sentiment was about equally divided concerning the Civil War. He was surrounded during his early youth by men who fought on one side or the other, and their stories of camp, march and battle were almost a part of the air he breathed. So he hopes that this circumstance has aided him to give a truthful color to the picture of the mighty combat, waged for four such long and terrible years. - Summary by Foreword

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Ch 01: The Apple TreeCh 02: The Woman at the House, part 1Ch 02: The Woman at the House, part 2Ch 03: Over the HillsCh 04: The Fight at the Crossways, part 1Ch 04: The Fight at the Crossways, part 2Ch 05: An Old EnemyCh 06: The FishermenCh 07: Sheridan's Attack, part 1Ch 07: Sheridan's Attack, part 2Ch 08: The Messenger From RichmondCh 09: At Grips With EarlyCh 10: An Unbeaten Foe, part 1Ch 10: An Unbeaten Foe, part 2Ch 11: Cedar CreekCh 12: In the Cove, part 1Ch 12: In the Cove, part 2Ch 13: Dick's Great ExploitCh 14: The Mountain SharpshooterCh 15: Back With GrantCh 16: The Closing DaysCh 17: Appomattox, part 1Ch 17: Appomattox, part 2Ch 18: The Final Reckoning
The Tree of Appomattox - Joseph A. Altsheler - Listen Free Audiobook MP3 📙 Free Audiobook Websites

The Tree of Appomattox - Joseph A. Altsheler - Joseph A. Altsheler

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "The Tree of Appomattox - Joseph A. Altsheler (Joseph A. Altsheler)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Action & Adventure".