Great audiobook "Hellenic History - George Willis Botsford" online free
"The purpose of this volume is to present in brief scope the evolution of Greek civilization a culture simple in its essential unity, although seemingly complex in its many and wide ramifications. In the conviction that the chief aim of history is to explain the present, the author has centered his attention on those phases of Greek life which have influenced to a marked degree the civilization of today."
"In short this book represents an effort to combine political, economic, social and cultural history in one synthesis, centering attention on those factors which have contributed essentially to modern civilization."
"The Hellenic History is intended to serve primarily as a text-book for college courses in Greek history, and as a guide to the reader who is interested in one or more phases of Greek achievement." (From Preface) In memory of Beth Thomas (1974-2020)
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- Genre: Antiquity
- Author: George Willis Botsford
- Duration: 20:55:09
Hellenic History - George Willis Botsford - George Willis Botsford
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