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Among all the numerous life stories written by Ferdinand Schmidt for the delectation and education of German youth, none surpasses that of Washington. The author has condensed his material, drawn from the most authoritative sources, in a masterly manner, and presents it in a very attractive form. He has accompanied it by moralization which is pertinent, but never becomes tedious. It is questionable, indeed, whether any story of Washington’s life written for young people excels Schmidt’s in accuracy, conciseness, and general interest. As such this sketch of the Father of his Country from a German point of view is commended to American youth. -- Translator's Preface - Summary by George P. Upton

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BoyhoodThe SurveyorThree Years in the WildernessThe AmbassadorWashington’s First BattlesA Year of PeaceA Quarrel with the Mother CountryA Trial of ArmsWashington Chosen Commander-in-ChiefWashington Before BostonThe Declaration of IndependenceTrying TimesWashington Crosses the DelawareLafayette—Kosciuszko—SteubenPeace is DeclaredWashington’s Farewell to the ArmyLast DaysBlest be His MemoryAppendix
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George Washington - Ferdinand Schmidt - Ferdinand Schmidt

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