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In this volume, we have the Virginia Dynasty of presidents: Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe. America at this time was involved in expansion with the Louisiana Purchase and the annexation of the Floridas. Then too we were involved in international affairs especially with Tripoli, England (the War of 1812), and Spain. And all this led to the establishment of what has become known as the Monroe Doctrine. At the end of it all, America has become more thoroughly American. Of course, on the horizon as a consequence of The Missouri Compromise looms the controversy surrounding slavery. This is Volume 15 of the Chronicles of America Series.

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The Chronicles of America Volume 15 - Jefferson and his Colleagues - Allen Johnson - Allen Johnson

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "The Chronicles of America Volume 15 - Jefferson and his Colleagues - Allen Johnson (Allen Johnson)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Biography & Autobiography / History / Law".