Great audiobook "Thrift - Samuel Smiles" online free
"This book is intended as a sequel to Self-Help and Character. It might, indeed, have appeared as an introduction to these volumes; for Thrift is the basis of Self-Help, and the foundation of much that is excellent in Character. The object of this book is to induce people to employ their means for worthy purposes, and not to waste them upon selfish indulgences. Many enemies have to be encountered in accomplishing this object. There are idleness, thoughtlessness, vanity, vice, intemperance. . . ." Some of the advice is obsolete, such as discussion about military savings banks and penny banks, but the general principles still apply even today. - Summary from the Preface & TriciaG
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- Genre: Business & Economics / Self-Help
- Author: Samuel Smiles
- Duration: 14:11:09
Thrift - Samuel Smiles - Samuel Smiles
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