Listen audiobook » Chemistry » The Science - History of the Universe Vol. 4: Chemistry - Francis ROLT-WHEELER
Great audiobook "The Science - History of the Universe Vol. 4: Chemistry - Francis ROLT-WHEELER" online free
Multi-volume work on science edited by Francis Rolt-Wheeler. The fourth volume is on Chemistry written by William Allan Hamor. It discusses the development of chemical knowledge, from the ancients to modern times. It expanded further on the early works of alchemists and into the phlogistic period. The last chapters cover atomic theories and the development of organic and inorganic chemistry. - Summary by Sienna
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IntroductionChapter 1 - Development of the Chemical ConceptionChapter 2 - Chemical Knowledge of the AncientsChapter 3 - The Early AlchemistsChapter 4 - The Later AlchemistsChapter 5 - The Iatro-Chemical Period, Part 1Chapter 5 - The Iatro-Chemical Period, Part 2Chapter 6 - The Early Phlogistic PeriodChapter 7 - The Phlogistic Period Proper, Part 1Chapter 7 - The Phlogistic Period Proper, Part 2Chapter 8 - Special Branches in Phlogistic Period, Part 1Chapter 8 - Special Branches in Phlogistic Period, Part 2Chapter 9 - Lavoisier and Anti-Phlogisticism, Part 1Chapter 9 - Lavoisier and Anti-Phlogisticism, Part 2Chapter 10 - The Atomic Theory and DavyChapter 11 - The Atomic Theory and BerzeliusChapter 12 - The Development of Organic ChemistryChapter 13 - Valence and Stereo-ChemistryChapter 14 - Modern Inorganic ChemistryChapter 15 - Atomic Weights and Periodic Law, Part 1Chapter 15 - Atomic Weights and Periodic Law, Part 2Chapter 16 - The Development of Applied Chemistry
On this page you can listen to the audiobook "The Science - History of the Universe Vol. 4: Chemistry - Francis ROLT-WHEELER (Francis ROLT-WHEELER)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Chemistry".