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Listen audiobook » Children's Fiction » New Chronicles of Rebecca (Version 2 Dramatic Reading) - Kate Douglas Wiggin

Great audiobook "New Chronicles of Rebecca (Version 2 Dramatic Reading) - Kate Douglas Wiggin" online free

Journey back to the "brick house" for a further look into the life of young Rebecca Randall during her adventures and scrapes in the small town of Riverboro, Maine. A companion story to Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.

Cast List:
Narrator: TJ Burns
Rebecca Randall: JayKitty76
Miranda Sawyer: Christine Lehman
Jane Sawyer: Laura Riley
Emma Jane Perkins: Jasmin Salma
Adam Ladd: Will the Ninja
Jeremiah Cobb: Greg Giordano
Sarah Cobb: Devorah Allen
Abijah Flagg: Alan Mapstone
Abner Simpson: Donald Gilmore

Additional characters voiced by ambsweet13, Andrew Gaunce, Andrew James, Arnaldo Machado, B L Newman, Bhavya, Brooke Favorat, Claire Butler, David Lawrence, David Purdy, Diego T., Donald Gilmore, Hanna Ponomarenko, Hannah Mary, Jenn Broda, Julian Pratley, Laura Riley, Lauren-Emma Blake, Lily, Mariah Martin Shein, Matthew Reece, Michele Eaton, Rosebud, Seaquill, TriciaG, and Twinkle

Audio edited by Bhavya, JayKitty76, Mark Nelson, and Michele Eaton

Additional proof-listening by Julian Pratley

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New Chronicles of Rebecca (Version 2 Dramatic Reading) - Kate Douglas Wiggin - Kate Douglas Wiggin

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