Listen audiobook Β» Children's Fiction Β» Gabriel and the Hour Book - Evaleen Stein

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Brother Stephen has the heart of an artist and wishes to leave the abbey to travel and see the world. However, King Louis has decreed that an "hour book" be made for his bride, Lady Anne, which in turn causes the Abbott to refuse Brother Stephen's request to leave the brotherhood as his illuminations are the most beautiful, and as such, he desires that Brother Stephen should be the one to make the hour book. This decision angers Brother Stephen. Will Brother Stephen stay at the abbey and carry out his task or will he refuse and bring about a ban against him, a serious matter indeed. Or will he choose to stay? And how does Gabriel, the little colour grinder with such a beautiful disposition help him to decide? (Summary by Laura Victoria)

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Gabriel and the Hour Book - Evaleen Stein - Evaleen Stein

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Gabriel and the Hour Book - Evaleen Stein (Evaleen Stein)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Children's Fiction / Historical Fiction".