Great audiobook "Gudrun - Ferdinand Schmidt" online free
The charming story of “Gudrun” is a romance of the old heroic period, written by some unknown poet of Austria or Bavaria in the thirteenth century. Next to the "Nibelungen Lied," it is the most important of the German epic poems...The same elemental passions are depicted. The men are brave, vigorous heroes, rejoicing in battle and feats of prowess; the women are beautiful, constant, and courageous. There are many fine delineations of character in the original, as well as vigorous sketches of northern scenery. The figure of Gudrun stands out in bold relief among the maidens. There are few more beautiful characters, indeed, in the poems of the old heroic period...Gudrun’s name is always spoken by her people with reverence. "Her courage and constancy were extolled by them, and in after days her fame was as radiant as the stars in the heavens." (George P. Upton, Translator's Preface)
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- Genre: Children's Fiction / Action & Adventure Fiction / Culture & Heritage Fiction
- Author: Ferdinand Schmidt
- Duration: 02:21:30
Gudrun - Ferdinand Schmidt - Ferdinand Schmidt
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