Listen audiobook Β» Christian Fiction Β» Thomas Wingfold, Curate - George MacDonald

Great audiobook "Thomas Wingfold, Curate - George MacDonald" online free

Republished in modern times as "The Curate's Awakening". A young man (Thomas Wingfold) "enters the church" through no real faith and only for want of something to do. After an encounter with a brash young atheist, he is thrown into an emotional, spiritual, and vocational crisis. Through his own doubts and through developing clarity gained from the counsel of a singular friend, he begins a slow journey toward faith, or - as he would put it - "a lovely hope." (Summary by John Schuurman & TriciaG)

Note that there are two versions of chapter 67. Enjoy one or both of the renderings.

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Thomas Wingfold, Curate - George MacDonald - George MacDonald

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Thomas Wingfold, Curate - George MacDonald (George MacDonald)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Christian Fiction".