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The Epistle to the Philippians, is a letter written by St. Paul the Apostle and Timothy to the clergy of Philippi. It is included in the New Testament of the Bible. Philippi is a city in Macedonia, a city that is a colony, as Luke says. It there that a seller of purple was converted, a woman of uncommon piety and heedfulness. There also the ruler of the synagogue believed, and Paul was scourged with Silas. This commentary is composed of a serious of homilies delivered by St. John Chrysostom, the golden-mouthed preacher of Constantinople. - Summary by ancientchristian

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Homilies on Philippians - St. John CHRYSOSTOM - St. John CHRYSOSTOM

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Homilies on Philippians - St. John CHRYSOSTOM (St. John CHRYSOSTOM)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Christianity - Commentary".