Great audiobook "Christ and His Friends - Louis Albert Banks" online free
This is a series of sermons that were given in Hanson Place Methodist Episcopal Church in January 1895. They are here collected together by the author and presented "with the earnest prayer that they may bring comfort and inspiration to the friends of Christ wherever they may go." - Summary by Devorah Allen
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Author's PrefaceThe Herald of ChristThe Divine-Human ChristThe Lamb of GodJohn, Christ, and Two SeekersAndrew Bringing his Brother Simon to ChristJesus Finding PhilipPhilip Finding NathanaelNathanael Under the Fig-TreeThe Best of the Wine at the Last of the FeastChrist's Conversation with Nicodemus about ConversionThe Brazen Serpent and the Uplifted ChristGod's Love and its GiftThe Fountain of Living WaterThe Forgotten Waterpot and the New Convert's SermonScarcity of Harvesters in the White FieldsThe Cry of the Father's Heart for his SonThe Healing of the Cripple at the Pool of BethesdaThe Tragedies and Triumphs of the Human WillThe Compassion of JesusChrist in the StormJesus, the Light of the WorldChrist, the LiberatorThe Testimony of ExperienceThe Good ShepherdThe Individual MessageThe Tears of JesusThe Divine MagnetThe Cure of TroubleThe Way, the Truth, and the LifeChrist and His FriendsThe Conquering Christ
On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Christ and His Friends - Louis Albert Banks (Louis Albert Banks)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Christianity - Commentary".