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Listen audiobook » Christianity - Other » A Year's Prayer-Meeting Talks - Louis Albert Banks

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This is a series of 52 talks, all of which were delivered by Rev. Banks in the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Cleveland, Ohio on a weekly basis over the course of one year. They are here compiled and published by the author "with the prayer and hope that in suggestive and illustrative material they may be of service and blessing." - Summary by Devorah Allen

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Author's PrefaceThe Characteristics of a Good Church MemberChrist's BuildersThe Unused Diplomas of LifeStrength Adorned by LoveProvoking One Another to Good WorksThe Road that Leads HomeChrist's Mission to Deaf EarsThe Soldier's Home-ComingHow to Get Everything You WantThe Spiritual FarmerChrist's Kingdom of CharacterReligious GaddersHow to Become More Truly ReligiousThe Worship of the HeartThe Kind of Holiness Pleasing to GodThe Angels Peculiar to Summer-TimeThe Devils Peculiar to Summer-TimeDisagreeable ChristiansThe Source of Our Love for ChristHow to Keep CheerfulThe Imperishable Man WithinThe Art of Receiving Good AdviceThe Blessings of HopeWalking with GodSpiritual CultureThe Good and the Bad WorldlinessThe Evolution of the ShirkHomesicknessMy GospelMaking the Most of ThingsHow Not to Want EverythingEvery-Day Life Made EasyThe Selection of Clothing for the SoulThe Spiritual CupboardThe Duty and Privilege of Forgiving Those Who Injure UsCommonplace HeroesThe Odd SparrowThe Mountain of the GiantsThe Special Value of Average PeopleChrist's Philosophy of ComfortHow to Make the Bible a Personal BookJuicy ChristiansSleepy Christians and Their Gentle LordThe Power of Personal InfluenceThe Living BreadHow to Get Rid of FearThe Taming of the Greatest Shrew in the WorldThe Divine Side of a RevivalThe Human Side of a RevivalWhat Happens When There Is a Revival of ReligionA Great Revival and What Caused ItThe First Christmas Gifts
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A Year's Prayer-Meeting Talks - Louis Albert Banks - Louis Albert Banks

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