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Listen audiobook » Christianity - Other » Encyclical Letters of Pope St. Pius X - Pope St Pius X

Great audiobook "Encyclical Letters of Pope St. Pius X - Pope St Pius X" online free

During his eleven year pontificate (1903-1914) Pope St. Pius X wrote 16 encyclicals. The subjects ranged from saints, The Immaculate Conception, The Restoration of All Things in Christ, Catholic Social Action, and more. This is collection of 14 out of the 16 encyclicals that he authored.

His most well known encyclical, Pascendi, has been recorded separately, and can be found at this link here: Pascendi Dominici Gregis

(Summary by Maria Therese)

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E Supremi (On the Restoration of All things in Christ) October 4, 1903Ad Diem Illum Laetissimum (On the Immaculate Conception) February 2, 1904Iucunda Sane (On Pope Gregory the Great) March 12, 1904Acerbo Nimis (On Teaching Christian Doctrine) April 15, 1905Extracts from Il Fermo Proposito (On Catholic Social Action) June 11, 1905Vehementer Nos (On the French Law of Separation) February 11, 1906Tribus Circiter (On the Mariavites: Mystic Priests of Poland) April 5, 1906Pieni L’animo (On the Clergy in Italy) July 28, 1906Gravissimo Officii Munere (On French Associations of Worship) August 10, 1906Une Fois Encore (On the Separation of Church and State) January 6, 1907Communium Rerum (On St. Anselm of Aosta) April 21, 1909, Part 1Communium Rerum (On St. Anselm of Aosta) April 21, 1909, Part 2Editae Saepe (On St. Charles Borromeo) May 26, 1910Iamdudum (On the Law of Separation in Portugal) May 24, 1911Lacrimabili Statu (On the Indians of South America) June 7, 1912
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Encyclical Letters of Pope St. Pius X - Pope St Pius X - Pope St Pius X

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