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Listen audiobook » Christianity - Other » The Creeds of Christendom - Various

Great audiobook "The Creeds of Christendom - Various" online free

This is based on Philip Schaff's Creeds of Christendom taking only the creeds that he selected, using the translations he supplied where possible but rearranged chronologically (using the dates he supplied) but excluding his commentary and notes.

"He who wishes to grow strong in his religious life, let him, I say, next to the Bible, feed himself on the great Creeds of the Church. There is a force of religious inspiration in them which you will seek in vain elsewhere. And this for good reasons. First, because it is ever true that it is by the truth that sanctification is wrought. And next, because the truth is set forth in these Creeds with a clearness and richness with which it is set forth nowhere else. For these Creeds are not the products of metaphysical speculation, as many who know infinitesimally little about them are prone to assert, but are the compressed and weighted utterances of the Christian heart.

"I do not think I go astray, therefore, when I say to you in all seriousness that the second and third volumes of Dr. Schaff’s Creeds of Christendom have in them more food for your spiritual life — are 'more directly, richly and evangelically devotional' — than any other book, apart from the Bible, in existence." (Summary by B.B. Warfield, "Spiritual Culture in the Theological Seminary", p.84-85)

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The Creeds of Christendom - Various - Various

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