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Listen audiobook » Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) » Lucian's Dialogues Volume 4: Zeus the Tragedian - LUCIAN OF SAMOSATA

Great audiobook "Lucian's Dialogues Volume 4: Zeus the Tragedian - LUCIAN OF SAMOSATA" online free

Zeus, gloomy and in tragic distress, is implored by Hermes and Athena to divulge the cause of his melancholy condition; while Hera, true to her Homeric character, confidently attributes it to another earthly amour. The king of gods and men, thus adjured, announced the true reason of his anxiety--daring assaults upon the character of himself and the rest of the Olympian divinities, and, in fact, denial of their very existence by the skeptics. What would be the best course to pursue? Summary by Foon

Cast List:

Narrator: ToddHW
Timokles: JennPratt
Momus: Adam Bielka
Aphrodite: Pseudonymous Nerd
Kolossus: Nemo
Damis: adrianstephens
Herakles: alanmapstone
Poseidon: George Diaz
Hermagoras: Stefan Von Blon
Hermes: Campbell Schelp
Apollo: KHand
Athena: Leanne Yau
Hera: Betsy Walker
Zeus: Aaron White

Edited by: linny.
Proof listeners: Foon, linny, and Adam Bielka.

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Lucian's Dialogues Volume 4: Zeus the Tragedian - LUCIAN OF SAMOSATA - LUCIAN OF SAMOSATA

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Lucian's Dialogues Volume 4: Zeus the Tragedian - LUCIAN OF SAMOSATA (LUCIAN OF SAMOSATA)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Plays".