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Listen audiobook » Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) » The Republic (version 2) - Plato

Great audiobook "The Republic (version 2) - Plato" online free

The Republic is a Socratic dialogue written by Plato around 380 BC concerning the definition of justice and the order and character of the just city-state and the just man. It is Plato's best-known work and has proven to be one of the most intellectually and historically influential works of philosophy and political theory. In it, Socrates along with various Athenians and foreigners discuss the meaning of justice and examine whether or not the just man is happier than the unjust man by considering a series of different cities coming into existence "in speech", culminating in a city (Kallipolis) ruled by philosopher-kings; and by examining the nature of existing regimes. The participants also discuss the theory of forms, the immortality of the soul, and the roles of the philosopher and of poetry in society (Summary by Wikipedia)

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The Republic (version 2) - Plato - Plato

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "The Republic (version 2) - Plato (Plato)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Ancient".