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Listen audiobook » Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) » History of Animals - Aristotle

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(Greek: Τῶν περὶ τὰ ζῷα ἱστοριῶν, Ton peri ta zoia historion, "Inquiries on Animals"; Latin: Historia Animalium, "History of Animals")

Book I Grouping of animals and the parts of the human body.
Book II Different parts of red-blooded animals.
Book III Internal organs.
Book IV Animals without blood (invertebrates).
Books V & VI Animal reproduction.
Book VII Human reproduction.
Book VIII Habits (food, migration, health, diseases).
Book IX Social behavior.
Book X Dealing with barrenness in women was excluded from the translation of D'Arcy Thompson for being spurious so the translation of the Clergyman Richard Cresswell (Vicar of Salcombe Regis, Devon) is used instead.

Sir D'Arcy Wentworth Thompson was a biologist, mathematician and classicist who also wrote On Growth and Form which discusses the mathematical patterns and structures formed in plants and animals. (Geoffrey Edwards)

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PrefaceBook I 1-3 (486a)Book I 4-10 (489a)Book I 11-15 (492a)Book I 16-17 (494b)Book II 1 (497b)Book II 2-11 (501a)Book II 12-15 (503b)Book II 16-17 (506b)Book III 1 (509a)Book III 2-3 (511b)Book III 4-7 (514a)Book III 8-16 (516b)Book III 17-22 (519b)Book IV 1 (523a)Book IV 2-3 (525a)Book IV 4 (527b)Book IV 5-7 (530a)Book IV 8-9 (532b)Book IV 10-11 (536b)Book V 1-7 (538b)Book V 8-13 (541b)Book V 14-15 (544b)Book V 16-18 (548a)Book V 19-20 (550b)Book V 21-27 (553a)Book V 28-34 (555b)Book VI 1-2 (558b)Book VI 3-9 (560b)Book VI 10-13 (564b)Book VI 14-17 (568a)Book VI 18-20 (571b)Book VI 21-28 (575a)Book VI 29-37 (578b)Book VII 1-3 (581a)Book VII 4-6 (583b)Book VII 7-12 (586a)Book VIII 1-2 (588a)Book VIII 3-10 (592a)Book VIII 11-13 (596b)Book VIII 14-20 (599a)Book VIII 21-27 (603a)Book VIII 28-30 (605b)Book IX 1-2 (608a)Book IX 3-7 (610b)Book IX 8-14 (613b)Book IX 15-35 (616a)Book IX 36-39 (620a)Book IX 40 (623b)Book IX 41-46 (627b)Book IX 47-49B (630b)Book X 1-7 (633b)
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History of Animals - Aristotle - Aristotle

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "History of Animals - Aristotle (Aristotle)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Classics (Greek & Latin Antiquity) / Animals / Medical".