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Listen audiobook » Culture & Heritage Fiction » Legends of Saints and Sinners - Douglas Hyde

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"I have called the present volume "Legends of Saints and Sinners," which to a certain extent it is; but I mean it for a book of Irish Christian folk-lore. My idea in compiling it has been to give for the first time a collection of genuine Irish folk-lore which might be called "Christian." By this I mean folk-stories and folk-poems which are either entirely founded upon Christian conceptions, or else are so far coloured by them, that they could never have been told—at least in their present shape—had not Christianity established itself in Ireland. Every one of these stories conforms fairly to this standard, except one or two, which I give as necessary corollaries. They are all translations from the Irish. I have found hardly any such stories in English. They were mostly collected by myself from the mouths of native speakers, but three or four of them I have taken from Irish MSS. in my own possession, and a few more were given me by my friends. Not one of these stories was ever translated into English before, with the exception of those which I have taken from my own "Religious Songs of Connacht." - Summary by From The Introduction

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Section 0: IntroducctionSection 1: St. Patrick and Crom DubhSection 2: Mary's WellSection 3: How Covetousness Came into the ChurchSection 4: Knock MulruanaSection 5: The Stone of TruthSection 6: The Adventures of LeithinSection 7: The Comparison as to AgesSection 8: The Death of BearachanSection 9: Story of SolomonSection 10: Christmas AlmsSection 11: The Burial of JesusSection 12: Saint PeterSection 13: Legends of St. DeglanSection 14: St. Paul's VisionSection 15: Oscar of the FlailSection 16: Oisin in ElphinSection 17: The Priest who went to do PenanceSection 18: The Friars of UrlaurSection 19: Dialogue between Two Old WomenSection 20: The Minister and the GossoonSection 21: The Keening of the Three MarysSection 22: The Farmer's Son and the BishopSection 23: Shaun the TinkerSection 24: Mary and St. Joseph and The Cherry TreeSection 25: The Student who left CollegeSection 26: The Help of God in the RoadSection 27: The Minister's SonSection 28: The Old Woman of BeareSection 29: The Old Hag of DingleSection 30: The Poem of the TorSection 31: Columcille and His Brother DobhranSection 32: Bruadar and Smith and GlinnSection 33: Friar BrianSection 34: How the First Cat was CreatedSection 35: God spare You your HealthSection 36: Teig O'Kane and the CorpseSection 37: Tomaus O'Cahan and the GhostSection 38: Prayer after TobaccoSection 39: The Buideach, The Tinker, and The Black DonkeySection 40: The Great Worm of the ShannonSection 41: The Poor Widow and Grania OïSection 42: The Gambler of the BranchSection 43: The Beetle, The Dhardheel, and the PrumpolaunSection 44: The Lady of the AlmsSection 45: St. Patrick and his GarronSection 46: How Saint Moling got his Name
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Legends of Saints and Sinners - Douglas Hyde - Douglas Hyde

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Legends of Saints and Sinners - Douglas Hyde (Douglas Hyde)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Culture & Heritage Fiction / Myths / Legends & Fairy Tales".