Listen audiobook Β» Detective Fiction Β» The Smuggler of King's Cove - Sylvanus COBB, JR

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Young Percy Maitland is a naval pilot and guides his late father's brig to safety, thereby saving the ship, her crew and cargo despite being pursued by the King's excise collectors. But has his father's successor taken over the smuggling business or are Ralph Tryon's plans more sinister? And what does Percy's widowed mother know? What hold does Ralph have over her? (summary by Lynne Thompson)

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The Smuggler of King's Cove - Sylvanus COBB, JR - Sylvanus COBB, JR

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "The Smuggler of King's Cove - Sylvanus COBB, JR (Sylvanus COBB, JR)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Detective Fiction".