Great audiobook "The Purgatory of St. Patrick - Pedro Calderón de la Barca" online free
This is a "mystical drama founded on the lives of Saints. Mr. Ticknor prefers it to the more celebrated 'Devotion of the Cross,' and says that it 'is commonly ranked among the best religious plays of the Spanish theatre in the seventeenth century.' In all that relates to the famous cave known through the middle ages as the 'Purgatory of Saint Patrick', as well as the Story of Luis Enius — the Owain Miles of Ancient English poetry."
- Summary by The Translator
Cast list:
EGERIUS, King of Ireland: Larry Wilson
PATRICK: Mike Manolakes
LUIS ENIUS: Adrian Stephens
A GOOD ANGEL: Devorah Allen
A BAD ANGEL: Availle
PHILIP: Alan Mapstone
POLONIA, Daughter of the King: Rapunzelina
LESBIA, her Sister: Matea Bracic
PAUL, a Peasant: ToddHW
LUCY, his Wife: Sonia
A Muffled Figure: Sandra Schmit
Old Man: David Purdy
First Canon: Joanna Michal Hoyt
Second Canon: David Purdy
Prior: Andrew Gaunce
Stage Directions: Tchaikovsky
Editing: ToddHW
Cast list:
EGERIUS, King of Ireland: Larry Wilson
PATRICK: Mike Manolakes
LUIS ENIUS: Adrian Stephens
A GOOD ANGEL: Devorah Allen
A BAD ANGEL: Availle
PHILIP: Alan Mapstone
POLONIA, Daughter of the King: Rapunzelina
LESBIA, her Sister: Matea Bracic
PAUL, a Peasant: ToddHW
LUCY, his Wife: Sonia
A Muffled Figure: Sandra Schmit
Old Man: David Purdy
First Canon: Joanna Michal Hoyt
Second Canon: David Purdy
Prior: Andrew Gaunce
Stage Directions: Tchaikovsky
Editing: ToddHW
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- Genre: Drama
- Author: Pedro Calderón de la Barca
- Duration: 02:52:00
The Purgatory of St. Patrick - Pedro Calderón de la Barca - Pedro Calderón de la Barca
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