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Librivox readers present a collection of their favorite chapters and short stories, with the original author’s words all brought to life with different reader voices for each character in our popular Dramatic Reading style. This volume includes readings from Louisa May Alcott, two by L M Montgomery, Lewis Carroll, Victor Hugo, Kate Chopin, C K Chesterton, Jack London, and A A Milne. NOTE that Milne died in 1956 and this story is not PD in for listeners in Europe and/or Australia, and other countries which observe copyright of author's death +70 years. - Summary by ToddHW

Cast lists:
1. The Masked Marriage from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. BC for this DR is Salvationist
Sam Pickwick: Joanna Michal Hoyt
Ferdinand Deveraux: Pelham Flowerdew
Count de Avalon: Wayne Cooke
Fairy Queen: MaybeCordelia
Troubadour: David Purdy

2. Barriers Swept Away from Anne's House of Dreams by L. M. Montgomery. BC for this DR is Bookworm360
Anne Blythe-Shirley: Michele Eaton
Leslie Moore: MaybeCordelia
Narrator: Joanna Michal Hoyt

3. A Mad Tea Party from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll . BC for this DR is jennlea
Narrator: Peter Yearsley
Alice: Bookwork360
Hatter: Wayne Cooke
March Hare: Eitel
Dormouse: Jenn Broda

4. By Courier by O. Henry, from his collection The Four Million. BC for this DR is JoannaHoyt
Young Man: ToddHW
Boy: Greg Giordano
Young Lady: MaybeCordelia
Robert Ashburton: Wayne Cooke
Narrator: Joanna Michal Hoyt

05. The Bishop Works and Little Gervais, from Les Miserables by Victor Hugo and translated by Isabel F. Hapgood. BC for this DR is ElizaZ
Narrator: Joanna Michal Hoyt
Madame Magloire: TJ Burns
Monseigneur Bienvenue: ToddHW
Jean Valjean: Wayne Cooke
Little Gervais: Jasmin Salma
Priest: Larry Wilson

6. The Kiss by Kate Chopin. BC for this DR is wib66
Brantain: ToddHW
Harvy: Greg Giordano
Natalie: Matea Bracic
Narrator: Michele Eaton

7. The Eye of Apollo, by G.K. Chesterton, from The Innocence of Father Brown. BC for this DR is Mozartjr
Narrator: Mozartjr
Father Brown: Kalamareader
Kalon the Prophet: GregGiordano
Flambeau: Kalamareader
Ms. Joan Stacey: Aligator
Ms. Pauline Stacey: LCaulkins

8. The Quarantine at Alexander Abraham's by L.M. Montgomery, from The Chronicles of Avonlea. Bookwork360 is the BC for this DR
Narrator/Peter-Angelina MacPherson:Bookworm360
Rev. Allan:Kalamareader
Mrs. Allan:WendyKatzHiller
Alexander Abraham Bennett:ToddHW
Dr. Blair:GregGiordano

9. Chapter 5 of Hearts of Three by Jack London. SCaulkins is the BC for this DR
Narrator: Lynette Caulkins
Francis Morgan: Greg Giordano
Pedro Zurita: Scott Caulkins
Rafael: Wayne Cooke
Gendarme: ToddHW
Ignacio: Larry Wilson
Augustino: Jim Locke
Henry Morgan: Ben Tucker

10. The Making Of A Christmas Story, from Happy Days by A. A. Milne ( - 1956). ElizaZ is BC for this DR
NOTE: Milne died in 1956. This story is not PD for readers in Europe and/or Australia, and other countries which observe copyright of author's death +70 years.
Author: Wayne Cooke
Editor: Greg Giordano
Alice: Lynette Caulkins
Robert Hardrow: Mozartjr
Elsie: Eliza

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1. The Masked Marriage from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott2. Barriers Swept Away from Anne's House of Dreams by L. M. Montgomery3. A Mad Tea Party from Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll4. By Courier by O. Henry5. The Bishop Works and Little Gervais from Les Miserables by Victor Hugo6. The Kiss by Kate Chopin7. The Eye of Apollo, by G.K. Chesterton8. The Quarantine at Alexander Abraham's, by L.M. Montgomery9. Chapter V of Hearts of Three, by Jack London10. The Making Of A Christmas Story from Happy Days by A. A. Miln
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Dramatic Reading Scene and Story Collection, Volume 003 - Various - Various

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