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Listen audiobook » Dramatic Readings » Dave Brings Home A Wife (dramatic reading) - Steele RUDD

Great audiobook "Dave Brings Home A Wife (dramatic reading) - Steele RUDD" online free

This is a self-contained story-arc over eight chapters from the pages of Steele Rudd's book "Back At Our Selection". The Synopsis: After being a shy bachelor for a number of years, Dave (Dad Rudd's second eldest son) has finally got married. To a "Girl from Town" named "Lily White". When she first arrives at "Ruddville", she and Dave's sister Sarah get on wonderfully. But after some months, friction between the two young woman sets in, and Dave and Lily seek to have a separate house of their own on the extensive Rudd property. But Dad, though now a prosperous farmer, started out with his wife and children in a two-room settler's slab-hut, and has a notion ... exacerbated by tightfistedness ... that all young folk should start out their married life like that and work their way up. So he finds, demolishes, carts, and re-erects a forty-year-old abandoned shack for his son and daughter-in-law. They acquiesce to accepting it, and in time even become rather contented there. But soon, Dave's mother-in-law arrives for a visit, and cranky old Dad Rudd finally meets his nemesis. - Summary by Son of the Exiles

Cast list:
Dad Rudd, Australian farmer - Patriarch of the Rudd clan: Son of the Exiles
Mother Rudd, wife of Dad Rudd: TJ Burns
Dave Rudd, son of Dad Rudd: Tomas Peter
Sarah Rudd, daughter of Dad Rudd: Linda Olsen Fitak
Lily White, newly married to Dave: Devorah Allen
Lily’s Mother - Dave's mother-in-law: Sonia
Joe Rudd, son of Dad Rudd: Nemo
Bill Rudd, son of Dad Rudd: Foon
Barty Rudd, son of Dad Rudd: Peter Musgrove
Jimmy Regan - Neighbour to the Rudds: ToddHW
Young Regan - Neighbour to the Rudds: Zoe Trang
Willie Wiley - Orphan boy adopted by one of Dad's neighbours: Foon
Mary Murphy - Daughter of one of Dad's neighbours: Leanne Yau
The Parson: Larry Wilson
Mrs Walker: Sandra Schmit
Building Contractor: Larry Wilson
Narrator: Beth Thomas

This project was finished during the March Challenge with the precious help of the following six volunteer editors (thank you all) :
Campbell Schelp
Chuck Williamson
Maria Kasper

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Dave Brings Home A Wife (dramatic reading) - Steele RUDD - Steele RUDD

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Dave Brings Home A Wife (dramatic reading) - Steele RUDD (Steele RUDD)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Dramatic Readings / Family Life / Humorous Fiction".