Listen audiobook Β» Early Modern Β» The Philosophy of Immanuel Kant - Alexander Dunlop Lindsay

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Born in Scotland, Alexander Dunlop Lindsay was a teacher of philosophy at a number of universities in England in the early 1900s. This brief commentary on Kant's philosophy is a work that focuses solely on some of the main ideas Kant put forth in the three Critiques. Although not comprehensive, the narrative style of this volume makes it a pleasant read and will be a valuable "break-in" point (or introduction to) the complex philosophy of Immanuel Kant. (Summary by SKwanlada)

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The Philosophy of Immanuel Kant - Alexander Dunlop Lindsay - Alexander Dunlop Lindsay

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "The Philosophy of Immanuel Kant - Alexander Dunlop Lindsay (Alexander Dunlop Lindsay)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Early Modern".