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Listen audiobook » Essays & Short Works » The Rhythm of Life and Other Essays - Alice Meynell

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Alice Meynell was an English essayist, critic, and poet who was also a leading suffragist, serving as vice-president of the Women Writers' Suffrage League. She and her husband Wilfrid Meynell were active in publishing and editing literary works including helping to launch the first works of Francis Thompson, author of "Hound of Heaven." This is a diverse collection of essays ranging from reflections on The Sun, and The Flower to the literary figures of Oliver Wendell Holmes and James Russell Lowell. - Summary by Larry Wilson

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The Rhythm of LifeDecivilisedA RemembranceThe SunThe FlowerUnstable EquilibriumThe Unit of the WorldBy the Railway SidePocket VocabulariesPathosThe Point of HonourComposureDr. Oliver Wendell HolmesJames Russell LowellDomus AngustaRejectionThe Lesson of LandscapeMr. Coventry Patmore’s OdesInnocence and ExperiencePenultimate Caricature
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The Rhythm of Life and Other Essays - Alice Meynell - Alice Meynell

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