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Great audiobook "A Dish of Orts: Chiefly Papers on the Imagination, and on Shakespeare - George MacDonald" online free

Readers of George MacDonald are used to his engaging story-telling, winsome characters, and simple theology of trust in God as Father. But this book shows a different side of MacDonald. A Dish of Orts is a varied collection of essays, mostly in the nature of literary criticism. These essays are, in MacDonald's words, "but fragmentary presentments of larger meditation." - Summary by Devorah Allen

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A Dish of Orts: Chiefly Papers on the Imagination, and on Shakespeare - George MacDonald - George MacDonald

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "A Dish of Orts: Chiefly Papers on the Imagination, and on Shakespeare - George MacDonald (George MacDonald)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Essays & Short Works / Literary Criticism".