Listen audiobook » General » Grace Harlowe's Junior Year at High School; or, Fast Friends in the Sororities (version 2) - Jessie Graham Flower

Great audiobook "Grace Harlowe's Junior Year at High School; or, Fast Friends in the Sororities (version 2) - Jessie Graham Flower" online free

In "Grace Harlowe's Junior Year at High School"; Or, "Fast Friends in the Sororities," the girl chums will appear as members of a High School sorority. Here the reader will make the acquaintance of Eleanor Savell, a clever but exceedingly wilful girl, whose advent in Oakdale High School brings about a series of happenings that make the story one of absorbing interest. The doings of a rival sorority, organized by Eleanor, the contest for dramatic honors between Eleanor and Anne Pierson and the mischievous plot against the latter originated by the former and frustrated by Grace Harlowe, are among the features that will hold the attention and cement the reader's friendship for the girl chums. (Introduction by Jessie Graham Flower)

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01 - A New Arrival02 - Confidences03 - An Autumn Walking Expedition04 - Grace Makes a Discovery05 - The Phi Sigma Tau06 - A Visit to Eleanor07 - The Claim of the "Artistic Temperament"08 - Eleanor Throws Down the Gauntlet09 - The Rescue Party10 - Julia Performs a Sacred Duty11 - Worries and Plans12 - A Reckless Chauffeur13 - A Thanksgiving Frolic14 - Eleanor Finds a Way15 - A Would-Be "Lark"16 - The Juniors Forever17 - The Last Straw18 - The Play's The Thing19 - The Try Out20 - The Anonymous Letter21 - Breakers Ahead22 - As You Like It23 - The Junior Picnic24 - Conclusion
Grace Harlowe's Junior Year at High School; or, Fast Friends in the Sororities (version 2) - Jessie Graham Flower - Listen Free Audiobook MP3 📙 Free Audiobook Websites

Grace Harlowe's Junior Year at High School; or, Fast Friends in the Sororities (version 2) - Jessie Graham Flower - Jessie Graham Flower

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Grace Harlowe's Junior Year at High School; or, Fast Friends in the Sororities (version 2) - Jessie Graham Flower (Jessie Graham Flower)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "General".