Listen audiobook » Horror & Supernatural Fiction » The Return of the Soul - Robert Smythe HICHENS

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Can the soul of the dead come back to haunt the one who was responsible for its death? What would happen if the responsible one did not believe it could be so, and yet was in love with the returned soul? The Return of the Soul is a horror story of a man who is visited by the returning soul of a deceased, and who has some very perplexing issues to deal with upon that return. (Introduction by Roger Melin)

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The Return of the Soul - Robert Smythe HICHENS - Robert Smythe HICHENS

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "The Return of the Soul - Robert Smythe HICHENS (Robert Smythe HICHENS)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Horror & Supernatural Fiction".