Listen audiobook » Humorous Fiction » One Day's Courtship and The Heralds of Fame - Robert BARR

Great audiobook "One Day's Courtship and The Heralds of Fame - Robert BARR" online free

Robert Barr approaches romance in two short stories in his engaging and subtly humorous style.

In One Day's Courtship, British artist John Trenton visits Quebec and tries to slip in a quick canoe trip on his last day in town to photograph the scenic Shawenegan Falls.

In The Heralds of Fame, a freshman novelist heads to America with his suitcase packed with copies of his new book. Before heading out, he panic buys an extra copy of his own book at a bookstand to buoy sales after observing someone pass it up. This sets off a chain of events. - Summary by Nat Spratt

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One Day's Courtship and The Heralds of Fame - Robert BARR - Robert BARR

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "One Day's Courtship and The Heralds of Fame - Robert BARR (Robert BARR)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Humorous Fiction / Romance".