Great audiobook "The Bachelors' Club - Israel Zangwill" online free
The Bachelors' Club is a sanctuary for an elite group of London's unmarried men to gather. To qualify as a Bachelor, each had to undergo a strict background check to ensure that they were not only unmarried, but a zealot in the movement that held marriage to be an undue punishment...upon women. As our story goes, we learn many revealing things about these men's convictions and pasts, as well as insightful commentaries on life and society in 1890 that is markedly similar to today. Summary by Keith Salis
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- Genre: Humorous Fiction / Published 1800 -1900
- Author: Israel Zangwill
- Duration: 09:41:49
The Bachelors' Club - Israel Zangwill - Israel Zangwill
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