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Great audiobook "An Authentic Narrative of Some Remarkable and Interesting Particulars in the Life of John Newton - John Newton" online free

John Newton, best known for his hymn "Amazing Grace", for his former life as a slave trader and as eventual opponent of the slave trade in Britain. These 14 short letters cover his early life to about 1755 and are filled with his Christian reflections on the events of his life. Letter 5 contains Newton's description of his life under Amos Clowe, an enslaver, who gave him to his wife as a servant. It is worth noting that this collection was published in 1764 and Newton did not publish his scathing pamphlet Thoughts Upon the Slave Trade until 1788 and thus his letters focus on his life as a "an infidel and libertine" (Newton's own description) than on the institution he later condemned. - Summary by InTheDesert

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An Authentic Narrative of Some Remarkable and Interesting Particulars in the Life of John Newton - John Newton - John Newton

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