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Listen audiobook » Literary Criticism » Greek Literature - Henry Julius Wetenhall Tillyard

Great audiobook "Greek Literature - Henry Julius Wetenhall Tillyard" online free

"The Greeks were the most intellectual people of the old world. … The study of Greek literature is therefore a proper element in a liberal education. The Greek language, naturally flexible and rich in poetical words, becomes in the hands of the great writers a medium of unequalled force, clearness, and adaptability, able to express as well the highest aspirations of the poet as the subtlest shades of philosophical argument or the most abstruse technicalities. The books of Greece have passed the critical selection of the ages, and the student, unencumbered by masses of inferior material, can approach the works of acknowledged masters, the true fountain-head of European culture." - Summary taken from the Introduction

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Greek Literature - Henry Julius Wetenhall Tillyard - Henry Julius Wetenhall Tillyard

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Greek Literature - Henry Julius Wetenhall Tillyard (Henry Julius Wetenhall Tillyard)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Literary Criticism / Social Science (Culture & Anthropology)".