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Excerpt from Introduction:
"Nana" stands third in popularity among the Zola novels. It is a study of the prostitute type and it gives a memorable picture of the life of the tinsel underworld of the Paris theaters, night life, and its parasites. Perhaps Zola pursues Nana a bit too relentlessly: certainly his putting a period to her career by showing her as a putrefying corpse is more symbolic than is wholly necessary; but it remains a novel of truth and beauty, even if a beauty of a drab and often terrible sort.
Summary by Burton Rascoe / Celine Major

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Nana - Émile Zola - Émile Zola

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Nana - Émile Zola (Émile Zola)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Literary Fiction".