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LibriVox volunteers bring you 21 recordings of Knight - Errant by Madison Cawein.
This was the Weekly Poetry project for February 3, 2019.
Cawein's poetry allied his love of nature with a devotion to earlier English and European literature, mythology, and classical allusion. This certainly encompassed much of T. S. Eliot's own interest, but whereas Eliot was also seeking a modern language and form, Cawein strove to maintain a traditional approach. Although he gained an international reputation, he has been eclipsed as the genre of poetry in which he worked became increasingly outmoded. - Summary by Wikipedia

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Knight - Errant - Madison Cawein - Madison Cawein

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Knight - Errant - Madison Cawein (Madison Cawein)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Multi-version (Weekly and Fortnightly poetry)".