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Listen audiobook » Myths » The Celtic Twilight - William Butler Yeats

Great audiobook "The Celtic Twilight - William Butler Yeats" online free

I have desired, like every artist, to create a little world out of the beautiful, pleasant, and significant things of this marred and clumsy world, and to show in a vision something of the face of Ireland to any of my own people who would look where I bid them. I have therefore written down accurately and candidly much that I have heard and seen, and, except by way of commentary, nothing that I have merely imagined.

Many of the tales in this book were told me by one Paddy Flynn, a little bright-eyed old man, who lived in a leaky and one-roomed cabin in the village of Ballisodare. He was a great teller of tales, and unlike our common romancers, knew how to empty heaven, hell, and purgatory, faeryland and earth, to people his stories. He did not live in a shrunken world, but knew of no less ample circumstance than did Homer himself. Perhaps the Gaelic people shall by his like bring back again the ancient simplicity and amplitude of imagination.

Let us go forth, the tellers of tales, and seize whatever prey the heart long for, and have no fear. Everything exists, everything is true, and the earth is only a little dust under our feet. (W. B. Yeats)

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Epigraph, The Hosting of the SidheThis bookA Teller of TalesBelief and UnbeliefMortal HelpA VisionaryVillage Ghosts'Dust Hath closed Helen's Eye'A Knight of the SheepAn Enduring HeartThe SorcerersThe DevilHappy and Unhappy TheologiansThe Last GleemanRegina, Regina Pigmeorum, Veni'And Fair, Fierce Women'Enchanted WoodsMiraculous CreaturesAristotle of the BooksThe Swine of the GodsA VoiceKidnappersThe Untiring OnesEarth, Fire and WaterThe Old TownThe Man and his BootsA CowardThe Three O'Byrnes and the Evil FaeriesDrumcliff and RossesThe Thick Skull of the FortunateThe Religion of a SailorConcerning the nearness together of Heaven, Earth, and PurgatoryThe Eaters of Precious StonesOur Lady of the HillsThe Golden AgeA Remonstrance with Scotsmen for having soured the Disposition of their Ghosts and FaeriesWarThe Queen and the FoolThe Friends of the People of FaeryDreams that have no MoralBy the RoadsideInto the Twilight
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The Celtic Twilight - William Butler Yeats - William Butler Yeats

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "The Celtic Twilight - William Butler Yeats (William Butler Yeats)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Myths / Legends & Fairy Tales".