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Twenty short nonfiction works chosen by the readers. "Suffrage for women will not usher in a millennium of peace and leisure" was the editorial opinion of the Boston Cooking School Magazine in May, 1914. [Woman's Problems]. Disillusionment with easy answers is the theme of several Vol. 071 readings [On Thinking for Oneself; Limitations of Truth-Telling; On Demagogues]. Rebellion and war, heroics and aftermath, are treated in Alexander at Gordium; Before Grant Won His Stars; Draft Riots in Wisconsin; The Truth About Greece; and Sophie Treadwell Interviews Pancho Villa. Humor provides relief in a lighthearted look at home heating [The Furnace]; bicycling [A Despicable Trick; Healthy But Not Social], grammar [The Woman's Press Club] and The Beauty of Unpunctuality. Exploration then and now is contrasted in Tasman Explores Australia and A California Motor Tour. The arts--literature, drawing, and the cinema--are celebrated in Mary Pickford's Beginnings, Rendering Reflections in Window Glass, and On the Tomb of Keats. Lastly, a biography of British fossil finder Mary Anning (1795-1847) throws light not only on ichthyosaurs, but on the remarkable life of a self-taught woman scientist. - Summary by Sue Anderson

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Alexander at GordiumBefore Grant Won His StarsA California Motor Tour (1909)A Despicable TrickDraft Riots in Wisconsin During the Civil WarThe FurnaceHealthy But Not SocialLimitations of Truth-TellingMary Anning, the Fossil FinderOn Demagogues, in The American Democrat (1838)On Thinking For Oneself (excerpt)Rendering Reflections in Window GlassSome Reflections on the Beauty of UnpunctualitySophie Treadwell Interviews Pancho Villa (1921)Tasman Explores AustraliaThe Tomb of KeatsThe True Story of Mary Pickford's BeginningThe Truth About Greece (1917)Woman's Press ClubWoman's Problems (1914)
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Short Nonfiction Collection, Vol. 071 - Various - Various

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