Listen audiobook » *Non-fiction » Saint Athanasius: The Father of Orthodoxy - Frances Alice Forbes

Great audiobook "Saint Athanasius: The Father of Orthodoxy - Frances Alice Forbes" online free

A short and rather old fashioned biography a great saint. Don't expect subtlety; it's unapologetic hagiography. The saint is presented as a figure of pristine brilliance, courage and integrity and his persecutors as conniving villains. But to those who appreciate what was at stake in the controversy, Athanasius is indeed a God-sent hero. This is an informative, if quaint, introduction to a fascinating figure in history. (Summary by Pattymarie)

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Saint Athanasius: The Father of Orthodoxy - Frances Alice Forbes - Frances Alice Forbes

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Saint Athanasius: The Father of Orthodoxy - Frances Alice Forbes (Frances Alice Forbes)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "*Non-fiction / Christianity - Biographies".