Great audiobook "The Goop Directory (version 3) - Frank Gelett BURGESS" online free
The Goop Directory of Juvenile Offenders Famous for Their Misdeeds and Serving as a Salutary Example for All Virtuous Children
In this DIRECTORY you'll see
Just what you never ought to be;
And so, it should Direct you way
To Good Behavior, every day.
The children of whose faults I tell
Are known by other names, as well,
So see that you aren’t in this group
Of Naughty Ones. Don’t be a Goop!
( Gelett Burgess)
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- Genre: Poetry
- Author: Frank Gelett BURGESS
- Duration: 00:16:19
The Goop Directory (version 3) - Frank Gelett BURGESS - Frank Gelett BURGESS
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