Listen audiobook » Published 1800 -1900 » Kitty Alone - Sabine Baring-Gould

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Kate Quarm is a bright and sensitive girl. She lives with her aunt and uncle at Coombe Cellers, a farmhouse, eating house and store occupying a promontory in the estuary of the Teign, in the south of Devon. Kate's father is a dreamer, always off on the next get-rich-quick scheme, wandering across the countryside with his donkey cart. It seems that no one has the time or the inclination to try to understand Kitty and she is left very much "alone." But when she ferries the son of the richest farmer in the neighborhood across the Teign and he falls head over heals for the pretty girl, it seems that the fortunes of Kitty Alone are about to change. Or maybe not - for Rose Ash has marked John out as her own and is keen on defending her claim while Kitty's thoughts center more on the stars and the tides (and the new schoolmaster) than on the ardent boy next door.

The Rev'd Sabine Bearing Gould was a keen observer of people who filled his books with a broad cast of characters, humorously drawn from the 19th Century English countryside. (Summary by MaryAnn)

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01 - The Philosopher's Stone02 - A Lusus Naturae03 - All Into Gold04 - The Atmospheric Railway05 - On a Mud-Bank06 - A Capture07 - A Release08 - An Atmosphere of Love09 - Convalescence10 - The New Schoolmaster11 - Discords12 - Daffodils13 - The Spirit of Inquiry14 - To the Fair15 - A Reason for Everything16 - The Dancing Bear17 - Insured18 - Brazil Nuts19 - Suggestions of Evil20 - A Face In The Water21 - An Offer22 - A Race for Life23 - Borrowing24 - Shavings25 - Borrowing Again26 - Silver Penicks27 - Trouble28 - Alternatives29 - A Friend Gained30 - Under the Mulberry Tree31 - On Mischief Bent32 - Jason in the Way33 - One Crime Leads to Another34 - And Yet Another35 - Unsuccessful36 - All in Vain37 - The Answer of Cain38 - Wanted at Last39 - One for Thee and Two for Me40 - A Great Fear41 - Taking Shape42 - An Ugly Hint43 - Much Cry And a Little Wool44 - Puddicombe in F45 - Daylight46 - A Triumph47 - Parted48 - A Shadow-Shape49 - Flagrante Delicto50 - The Third Fire51 - The Pass'n's Prescription52 - In Court53 - Jason's Story54 - Con Affettuoso Caprizio
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Kitty Alone - Sabine Baring-Gould - Sabine Baring-Gould

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Kitty Alone - Sabine Baring-Gould (Sabine Baring-Gould)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Published 1800 -1900".