Great audiobook "The Sword Maker - Robert BARR" online free
Times are hard in Frankfort. Defeat in war, weak leadership, trade blockades and a starving population lead to a restive and unhappy citizenry. The one thing Frankfort does have is the best three sword-makers in the country, who form a guild to try and find solutions to the economic problems assailing the city. One day, a stranger appears: an instructor in swordsmanship and the craft of sword-making. Despite not being licensed to carry a sword in the city, he promises the guild he can help them make their fortunes and lead the city out of the recession. - Summary by Lynne Thompson
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- Genre: Published 1900 onward
- Author: Robert BARR
- Duration: 11:44:50
The Sword Maker - Robert BARR - Robert BARR
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