Great audiobook "Utopia (Burnet translation) - Thomas MORE" online free
This book is all about the fictional country called Utopia. It is a country with an ‘ideal’ form of communism, in which everything really does belong to everybody, everyone does the work they want to, and everyone is alright with that. This country uses gold for chamber pots and prison chains, pearls and diamonds for children’s playthings, and requires that a man and a woman see each other exactly as they are, naked, before getting married. This book gave the word 'utopia' the meaning of a perfect society, while the Greek word actually means ‘no place’. Enjoy listening to this story about a country that really is too good to be true. (Summary by Jenilee.)
This is the 17th century translation by Gilbert Burnet, edited in the 19th century by Henry Morley.
This is the 17th century translation by Gilbert Burnet, edited in the 19th century by Henry Morley.
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- Genre: Published before 1800 / Medieval
- Author: Thomas MORE
- Duration: 3:53:48
Utopia (Burnet translation) - Thomas MORE - Thomas MORE
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