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Listen audiobook » Religious Fiction » Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (version 2) (includes annotations) - Friedrich Nietzsche

Great audiobook "Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (version 2) (includes annotations) - Friedrich Nietzsche" online free

The modern British philosopher, Anthony M. Ludovici, said that this text “is unquestionably Nietzsche’s opus magnum.” However, he warns the reader that since “the book with the most mysterious, startling, or suggestive title, will always stand the best chance of being purchased by those who have no other criteria to guide them in their choice than the aspect of a title-page … ‘Thus Spake Zarathustra’ is almost always the first and often the only one of Nietzsche’s books that falls into the hands of the uninitiated.” He therefore recommends reading this text alongside some scholarly annotations, which Ludovici gratefully supplies in the volume read here. To keep Ludovici’s intention, in this version of ‘Zarathustra’ the reader includes these annotations (where available) immediately after the reading. Summary by jvanstan

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Introductions by Mrs. Forster-Nietzsche & Mr. Anthony M. LudoviciZarathustra's ProloguePart I: 1. The Three MetamophosesPart I: 2. The Academic Chairs of VirtuePart I: 3. BackworldsmenPart I: 4. The Despisers of the BodyPart I: 5. Joys & PassionsPart I: 6. The Pale CriminalPart I: 7. Reading & WritingPart I: 8. The Tree on the HillPart I: 9. The Preachers of DeathPart I: 10. Wars & WarriorsPart I: 11. The New IdolPart I: 12. The Flies in the Market-PlacePart I: 13. ChastityPart I: 14. The FriendPart I: 15. The Thousand & One GoalsPart I: 16. Neighbour-LovePart I: 17. The Way of Creating OnePart I: 18. Old & Young WomenPart I: 19. The Bite of the AdderPart I: 20. Child & MarriagePart I: 21. Voluntary DeathPart I: 22. The Bestowing VirtuePart II: 23. The Child with the MirrorPart II: 24. In the Happy IslesPart II: 25. The PitifulPart II: 26. The PriestsPart II: 27. The VirtuousPart II: 28. The RabblePart II: 29. The TarantulasPart II: 30. The Famous Wise OnesPart II: 31. The Night-SongPart II: 32. The Dance-SongPart II: 33. The Grave-SongPart II: 34. Self-SurpassingPart II: 35. The Sublime OnesPart II: 36. The Land of CulturePart II: 37. Immaculate PerceptionPart II: 38. ScholarsPart II: 39. PoetsPart II: 40. Great EventsPart II: 41. The SoothsayerPart II: 42. RedemptionPart II: 43. Manly PrudencePart II: 44. The Stillest HourPart III: 45. The WandererPart III: 46. The Vision & the EnigmaPart III: 47. Involuntary BlissPart III: 48. Before SunrisePart III: 49. The Bedwarfing VirtuePart III: 50. On the Olive-MountPart III: 51. On Passing-ByPart III: 52. The ApostatesPart III: 53. The Return HomePart III: 54. The Three Evil ThingsPart III: 55. The Spirit of GravityPart III: 56. Old & New Tables (part 1)Part III. 56. Old & New Tables (part 2)Part III: 57. The ConvalescentPart III: 58. The Great LongingPart III: 59. The Second Song-DancePart III: 60. The Seven SealsPart IV: 61. The Honey SacrificePart IV: 62. The Cry of DistressPart IV: 63. Talk with the KingsPart IV: 64. The LeechPart IV: 65. The MagicianPart IV: 66. Out of ServicePart IV: 67. The Ugliest ManPart IV: 68. The Voluntary BeggarPart IV: 69. The ShadowPart IV: 70. NoontidePart IV: 71. The GreetingPart IV: 72. The SupperPart IV: 73. The Higher ManPart IV: 74. The Song of MelancholyPart IV: 75. SciencePart IV: 76. Among Daughters of the DesertPart IV: 77. The AwakeningPart IV: 78. The Ass-FestivalPart IV: 79. The Drunken SongPart IV: 80. The Sign
Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (version 2) (includes annotations) - Friedrich Nietzsche - Listen Free Audiobook MP3 📙 Free Audiobook Websites

Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (version 2) (includes annotations) - Friedrich Nietzsche - Friedrich Nietzsche

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Thus Spake Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (version 2) (includes annotations) - Friedrich Nietzsche (Friedrich Nietzsche)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Religious Fiction / Philosophy / Modern".