Listen audiobook Β» Romance Β» Juggernaut: A Veiled Record - George Eggleston

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Edgar Braine was consistently successful at all he set out to accomplish. He went through life with goals and worked diligently and with ethical purity in reaching those goals, from becoming editor of the local newspaper on up to his political aspirations. That was how his mother, in her waning years, had advised him to reach his goals, and Edgar was determined to honor her advice. There was one caveat in his mothers advice however, and it is for Edgar to determine exactly what she meant by it. Is success measured by the interactions between business, politics, and marriage? (Summary by Roger)

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Juggernaut: A Veiled Record - George Eggleston - George Eggleston

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "Juggernaut: A Veiled Record - George Eggleston (George Eggleston)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Romance / Published 1800 -1900".