Listen audiobook » Romance » A Christmas Honeymoon - Frances Aymar Mathews

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Newlyweds Betty Revere and Peter Van Zandt are completely smitten with each other. Their wedding is said to have been one of the most beautiful ever seen in New York. A conflict between the couple causes a series of events to take place which isn’t rectified till years later by a special little boy looking for Christmas happiness. - Summary by Jenn Broda

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What Betty Revere Wrote to Anny de PeysterHer Woman's Will; His Man's WayWhen the Birds Came HomeWhen the Violin Man CameWhere Betty WentWhat Peter DidWhen the West Called to the EastBetty's Carte de VisiteWhat Peter Saw Passing His DoorWhere Little Peter Found the KeyWhat Peter Van Zandt SawWhen the Little Master Unlocked ''The Door''Little Peter's MistakePeter and the Little MarquisTwo Days Before Christmas''And a Little Child Shall Lead Them''
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A Christmas Honeymoon - Frances Aymar Mathews - Frances Aymar Mathews

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "A Christmas Honeymoon - Frances Aymar Mathews (Frances Aymar Mathews)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Romance".