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Listen audiobook » Satire » The Author's Farce - Henry Fielding

Great audiobook "The Author's Farce - Henry Fielding" online free

Henry Fielding could not write plays that he could get published. So he decided to write a play - a farce - about that, and success was his at last. The third act of the play is the play that the Author in the play supposedly writes - a Puppet Show (though acted by people) called The Pleasures of the Town. - Summary by ToddHW

Cast list:
Luckless, the Author and Master of the Show: Adrian Stephens
Witmore, his friend: Greg Giordano
Marplay Senior, Comedian: Alan Mapstone
Marplay Junior, Comedian: Availle
Bookweight, a Bookseller: ToddHW
Scarecrow, a Scribler: David Purdy
Dash, a Scribler: Joanna Michal Hoyt
Quibble, a Scribler: Grace Buchanan
Blotpage, a Scribler: czandra
Index: Andrew Gaunce
Jack, Servant to Luckless: Jim Locke
Jack-Pudding: Tomas Peter
Bantomite: Grace Buchanan
Mrs Moneywood, the Author's Landlady: Sonia
Harriot Moneywood, her Daughter: Devorah Allen
Player: Alan Mapstone
Constable: James R. Hedrick
Goddess of Nonsense: Kelly S. Taylor
Charon: Sandra Schmit
Curry, a Bookseller: ToddHW
A Poet: czandra
Signior Opera: Jake Malizia
Don Tragedio: Joanna Michal Hoyt
Sir Farcical Comick: James R. Hedrick
Dr. Orator: Algy Pug
Mrs. Novel: Availle
Robgrave, the Sexton: Hanna Ponomarenko
Sailor: David Purdy
Somebody: Joanna Michal Hoyt
Nobody: Sonia
Punch: Alan Mapstone
Joan: Michele Eaton
Count Ugly: Andrew Gaunce
Manager: Mark Kilkelly
Mr. Seedo, Musician: ToddHW
Director: Tomas Peter
Messenger: Rémi
Sir John: Rob Marland
1st Poet: Tomas Peter
2nd Poet: David Purdy
3rd Poet: Joanna Michal Hoyt
4th Poet: ToddHW
Cat: Sonia
Stage Directions: Larry Wilson
Editing: ToddHW

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The Author's Farce - Henry Fielding - Henry Fielding

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "The Author's Farce - Henry Fielding (Henry Fielding)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Satire".