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Listen audiobook » Science Fiction » An Earthman on Venus - Ralph Milne Farley

Great audiobook "An Earthman on Venus - Ralph Milne Farley" online free

When Myles Cabot accidentally transmitted himself to the planet Venus, he found himself naked and bewildered on a mystery world where every unguarded minute might mean a horrible death.

Man-eating plants, tiger-sized spiders, and dictatorial ant-men kept Myles on the run until he discovered the secret of the land—that humanity was a slave-race and that the monster ants were the real rulers of the world!

But Cabot was resourceful, and when his new found love, the Kewpie-doll princess Lilla, called for help, the ant-men learned what an angry Earthman can do.

AN EARTHMAN ON VENUS is a science-fiction adventure packed with the excitement of an Edgar Rice Burroughs, and the science-vision of an H. G. Wells. You won’t be able to put it down once you start it.

An Earthman on Venus was originally titled, The Radio Man, when first published in 1924. (Adapted from the Cover Blurb)

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The Message in the MeteorStranded in SpaceOut of the Frying PanGo to the Ant, Thou SluggardA VisionRadio Plays its PartA Hunting TripThe ConspiracyThe RescueBefore Queen FormisThe Valley of the Shadow of DeathA Victim of YuriKidnappedIn DisgraceA New GameCabot Tells the World
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An Earthman on Venus - Ralph Milne Farley - Ralph Milne Farley

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On this page you can listen to the audiobook "An Earthman on Venus - Ralph Milne Farley (Ralph Milne Farley)" online. The audiobook is a prime representative of the genre "Science Fiction".