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Listen audiobook » Science Fiction » Fevers and Physicians in Space (Ed Reads Short Sci-fi, vol. II) - Various

Great audiobook "Fevers and Physicians in Space (Ed Reads Short Sci-fi, vol. II) - Various" online free

I: ‘Pandemic’ by Jesse F. Bone
A deadly pandemic consumes the world (blah blah blah - you know the rest). If only THAT was the cure to the real one?

II: ‘2BR02B’ by Kurt Vonnegut
I wanna live forever...and have kids...but what about the consequences?

III: ‘The Beautiful People’ by Charles Beaumont
Why would you not want to be beautiful? Like every else.
Now, now, don't be difficult.

IV: ‘Operation Distress’ by Lester del Rey
One man alone in the depths of space...suddenly struck with illness...if he returns to Earth, he could infect the world!

V: ‘Doctor’ by Murray Leinster
In the complex logistics of interstellar travel, the only way to cordon of the deadly plague is to ghettoize entire planets and let everyone die. Problem solved.
But does a Zero-plague strategy really work?

VI: ‘John’s Other Practice’ by Winston K. Marks
Malpractice? Or will technology be allowed to innovate health care? Can Dr. Klinghammer convince the authorities that the corporation is not trying to scam them?

VII: ‘Bolden’s Pets’ by F. L. Wallace
I have a disease and all the planet's natives gave me was this lousy pet. But at least I have a cute pet now. Or do I?

VIII: ‘The Addicts’ by William Morrison
Another kind of disease. This time with a flawless and simple cure.
But what if he won't take it? What if he's fatalistic about the strange creatures outside in space?

IX: ‘The Man Who Made the World’ by Richard Matheson
"Who is this strange patient I must see, nurse? He seems a bit of a brat."

X: ‘Contagion’ by Katherine Maclean
When colonizing a new planet, please remember: look out for new contagions, pay attention to the fact that your body can't digest the food (genetic manipulation required!)
And beefcakes. Watch out for beefcakes.

XI: ‘Breeder Reaction’ by Winston K Marks
Finally, the medical scientists get hold of the new beauty product. The 'Mad Men' types try to cover up their sloppiness, and their bellies...

XII: ‘The Disembodied Man’ by Larry Maddock
A cure for death itself! It'll take some patience though. And a mysterious voice.

XIII: ‘Advanced Chemistry’ by Jack G. Huekels
No, it's actually a cure for death this time. For real. But accidents will happen...

XIV: ‘Bad Medicine’ by Robert Sheckley
A man intent on murder attempts a common therapy for psychosis. With disastrous results.

XV: ‘Homesick’ by Lyn Venable
Space, full of pathogens and allergens the human body can't cope with. Especially on...alien...planets.

XVI: ‘Heart' by Henry Slesar
"Money!" the big man cried. "How much money would it take to get me repaired?"
"But it's not a matter of money—"
"Don't give me that!" Monk put his jacket on with a violent motion.
The physician shrugged. "Money doesn't buy health."
"Doesn't it?" The patient gave an abrupt laugh.

XIX: ‘The Happy Unfortunate’ by Robert Silverberg
'Healthy little ape'—those were the words he used. He told my grandmother I'd get bigger and bigger, that no amount of surgery could make me small and handsome, that I was fit only for space and didn't belong in Yawk. So I left for space the next morning.

--Summary by The Reader

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'Pandemic' by Jesse F. Bone'2BR02B' by Kurt Vonnegut'The Beautiful People' by Charles Beaumont'Operation Distress' by Lester Del Rey'Doctor' by Murray Leinster'John's Other Practice' by Winston Marks'Bolden's Pets' by F. L. Wallace'The Addicts' by William Morrison'The Man Who Made the World' (with Lin Ku Hsiang) by Richard Matheson'Contagion' by Katherine Maclean'Breeder Reaction' by Winston Marks'The Disembodied Man' by Larry Maddock'Advanced Chemistry' by Jack Huekels'Bad Medicine' by Robert Sheckley'Homesick' by Lyn Venable'Heart' by Henry Slesar'The Happy Unfortunate' by Robert Silverberg
Fevers and Physicians in Space (Ed Reads Short Sci-fi, vol. II) - Various - Listen Free Audiobook MP3 📙 Free Audiobook Websites

Fevers and Physicians in Space (Ed Reads Short Sci-fi, vol. II) - Various - Various

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